Schools and Education
I deliver after-school clubs, science lessons and outdoor learning using barn owls, pond dipping, minibeast hunting, bioblitz and craft creations such as bird boxes, kite making, dream catchers and many more to inspire learning and engage enthusiasm.

To add to your experience lets make: bird and butterfly kite flying, paper windmills, Christmas dropped whirls, frog masks, corn dolly making, dipped candles, weave a basket, frame a frog, leaf pictures and twig frames, paper/jar lanterns, snowflakes, shell boxes, coil plant pots, printing, dancing animals, bird feeder cones, leaf pressing, easter crowns, paper hat boats and fish, seed tree mobiles, stone painting, bird nest hats and eggs, bug bangles, aeroplanes, origami penguins, bird masks, string making, hurdle creation, willow weaving, a den, a spoon, a fire, scarecrows,
OR chose: tree identification, flower quadrats, tree planting, tracks and signs of animals, night-watch with bats and moths
I am DBS checked and have insurance cover.
Contact Me!
For more information about my services, please contact me!
Come to me for Site surveys, management planning, management tasks, advice and action plans to assist your knowledge.
As a member of CIEEM and holder of a GCN licence I am fully equipped to meet your needs either for planning or site improvement for wildlife. Initial site visits
are free.

Wildlife Gardening
I provide site surveys, undertake wildlife garden design, advice and wildlife habitat creation.
Perhaps another approach that meets your needs for wildlife, Attract bats, swifts, house martins or other birds, hedgehogs, amphibians and create a hay meadow or pond to boost your bird list.

Friends / Community Groups
Contact me for advice, assistance and help if you want to set up a group to protect our heritage. I provide consultations and funding, ideas and contacts to help you make a success of your idea.
I will offer advice on how to gain new volunteers and develop your ideas, ask me to deliver a guided walk or activity at an event to help your cause.